Saturday, 2 March 2013

Black With Two March Challenge

Wow - the first month of Autumn already - let's just hope the weather starts to cool down and the rain actually goes where it is required and not Queensland, I think we have had enough up here.

Over at Black With Two the March Challenge is now on:

Dominant BLACK with RED & WHITE  - Black cardstock for your background and you are permitted 5% white which will allow you to use patterned papers.  Below is the colour palette to work from and my take on the Challenge.  Some of you may wonder why I chose that particular photo but I do believe that we must scrap the 'the good and the bad & thehappy and the sad'.  I love this particular photo of Ross and I.  I must admit this layout was 'take two' due to my wonderful feline companion who thought she may be able to do a better job and totally destroyed my first layout - still missing those


  1. Hi there Di .. love your blog background .. hugz xx

  2. Thank you - Annette I found the background on the site that you used for yours - couldn't decide if I liked it or not but I think it is pretty cool and a bit
